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Kurt Vonnegut: En mand uden fædreland – book cover, book design, translation

Two years before Kurt Vonnegut died in April 2007, he published what was to be his last book, A Man Without a Country, a collection of essays and lectures on politics, humour, technology, women, writing, and Vonnegut’s time as a Saab dealer in Massachusetts.

We’ve co-translated, layouted and published the Danish edition of the book.

The cover is (purposefully) atypical, with all text in concentric circles around the midpoint of the spine, partly because we thought this idea was interesting, gutsy, and beautiful, partly in the hope that this strange looking book would attract attention. Available in fine (and not so fine) bookstores.

Published by A, 2012. Translated by Andreas Kjærgaard and Joachim von Westen.


A / Fælledvejens Passage 2, 1. / 2200 København N / Denmark | [email protected] | P: +45 20 14 40 46