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Argentineren der kom sejlende på en cedertræsplanke – Book cover, Gyldendal

Argentineren der kom sejlende på en cedertræsplanke (The Argentinian Who Arrived on a Cedar Plank) is a grand tale spanning three generations and large swathes of the world.

The cover is an attempt to merge the story’s entire geography into one imaginary vista. From front to back the layers of the landscape follow the geography of the story: Argentina, South America, The South Atlantic, Malaga, Barcelona, Madrid, and pre-9/11 New York City. The Argentinian of the title stands as a silhouette at the bottom, either surveying the story of his life, or facing the reader in front of it.

Published by Gyldendal, 2016. Edited by Stinne Lender.


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