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Den danske borgerkrig 2018-24 – Book cover, Gyldendal

Kaspar Colling Nielsen’s novel Den danske borgerkrig 2018-24 (The Danish Civil War of 2018-24) is a novel about the collapse of Denmark as we know it, as told several centuries into the future by a 475 year old veteran from the fighting.

On an all-black background of uncoated paper, text, ornaments, and depictions of central elements from the story (a border collie, stars, bullets) are shown using only three colours – white, red, and golden metal foil. We wanted a cover with a stark, distinctive look, one that felt (just a little bit) like it might be from another time, as the story itself.

Published by Gyldendal, 2013. Edited by Janne Breinholt Bak.


A / Fælledvejens Passage 2, 1. / 2200 København N / Denmark | [email protected] | P: +45 20 14 40 46