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Class of 1913 – Mural, Krabbesholm Højskole

Krabbesholm Højskole held a competition for a 3 x 7 meter photo printed directly on the outer wall of the school’s new studio for photography, designed by MOS Architects. The competition brief asked for a photo “relating to the architecture of the new building”. Instead, we suggested a memento mori: A found graduation photo of the class of 1913 (from St. Basil, Dushore, Pennsylvania), taken 100 years prior to the building’s inauguration.

These graduates of 1913 were photographed at approximately the same age as Krabbesholm’s typical student. Now, of course, they are all long dead. No matter how alive one feels at this moment, how indispensable one’s existence, death awaits.

Thanks to Krabbesholm for accepting a project that did not meet the competition brief. Thanks to Robert E. Sweeney and Lynn Franklin for supplying a perfect scan of the photograph, and allowing its use. Thanks to Kurt Finsten for the project photos below.


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