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Font Shelf – experimental furniture

CNC milling and similar techniques have made it possible to cut just about any shape imaginable. What earlier took skilled craftspeople days, weeks, or months, can now be done by a layman with a vector file, a few hours, and not very much money.

This is an interesting way of making furniture that does not look like anything else that we can think of. Font Shelf is made with CNC cut shapes in standard plywood boards, layered to give it depth, making a sculptural storage module of typographic elements.

Prototype. Hand assembled CNC milled plywood. Approximately 150 cm wide, 200 cm tall and 40 cm deep. Made to order. Please contact us about availability.

Developed with generous support from L. F. Foghts Fond and Carl Ras A/S.


A / Fælledvejens Passage 2, 1. / 2200 København N / Denmark | [email protected] | P: +45 20 14 40 46